Sérgio de Mello Arruda, Marinez Meneghello Passos e Fabiele Cristiane Dias Broietti
Group page:
The EDUCIM research group aims to investigate issues related to teacher education, teaching and learning in Science and Mathematics, both in formal and informal education. Three PECEM supervisors are part of the group: Sergio de Mello Arruda, Marinez Meneghello Passos and Fabiele Cristiane Dias Broietti, being responsible for its coordination. The group has collaborated with researchers from other institutions in Brazil (mainly from Paraná) and abroad, such as the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and the Mozambican universities UniLicungo and UniRovuma. In recent years, it has dedicated itself mainly to investigating teacher action, student action and their connections, trying to understand what teachers and students actually do in the classroom. This research program, called PROAÇÃO, has two general questions: a) What teacher and student actions are observed in Science and Mathematics classes in basic and higher education, how can they be interpreted and in what ways do they connect? b) What implications for teaching, learning and teacher education can be drawn from the results found? Qualitative analyzes (discourse analysis, content analysis, textual discursive analysis) have been adopted as general methodologies for data interpretation. The group is installed on the premises of the Museum of Science and Technology of Londrina (MCTL), a supplementary body of UEL, located on the campus, and is responsible for the activities of the Research and Development Sector of the MCTL.
Research lines:
Teacher action, student action and their connections
Teaching and Learning in Science and Mathematics
Teacher education in Science and Mathematics
Relationship to knowledge in the classroom
GECCE – Science and Education Cultural Studies Group
Coordinator: Moisés Alves de Oliveira
Coordinator: Angela Marta P. D. Savioli
The Study and Research Group on Mathematical Thinking – GEPPMat -, under the guidance of Professor Angela Marta P.D. Savioli, integrates the study groups of the Graduate Program in Science Teaching and Mathematics Education – PECEM at UEL. The Geppmat develops studies and research on mathematical thinking from the perspective of theorists, such as Tall (2002), Resnick (1987), Sfard (1991), Dreyfus (1991), Dubinsky (1991), Lajoie and Mura (2004), among others. The central issues in the group’s discussions and research are: characterizations of mathematical thinking (advanced and elementary), especially algebraic thinking; processes involved in the development of this thought; difficulties in learning mathematical concepts; characteristics of algebraic thinking evidenced by students of High School.
Coordinator: Andreia de Freitas Zompero
The study group Teaching, Learning and Scientific Education – GENAPEC, is registered in the CNPq directory and aims to study and investigate the fundamentals of teaching and learning in the Natural Sciences based on references from cognitive psychology, meaningful learning, teaching by investigation and epistemic practices. It provides spaces for discussions and presentation of studies related to scientific education and its interlocutions with health education aimed at training students and teachers.
Study and Research Group on Mathematics Teacher Education
Coordinator: Márcia Cristina de Costa Trindade Cyrino
The Study and Research Group on Mathematics Teacher Education – Gepefopem is formed by researchers, teachers, and future teachers interested in investigating the foundations and processes of constitution of teacher knowledge in the initial and continuing education of mathematics teachers; the teachers’ understanding of how their students learn; the knowledge mobilized in the elaboration of mathematical activities for the classroom, as well as training in context. Therefore, we seek to understand the factors involved in teacher learning and the movement of the constitution of their professional identity in different contexts, such as study groups, Communities of Practice, Collaborative Groups, subjects, activities of the degree course, among others.
Study and Research Group in Mathematics Education and Assessment
Coordinator: Regina Luzia Corio de Buriasco
Abstract: The Study and Research Group in Mathematics Education
and Assessment (GEPEMA) registered in the Directory of CNPq
Groups, is located in the Department of Mathematics of the State
University of Londrina (UEL) and develops its activities in the
Graduate Program in Teaching of Science and Mathematics Education
at UEL. Currently, the main activities include research related to
Realistic Mathematics Education and Assessment of School Learning,
as well as the training of researchers at Masters and Doctoral levels.
Coordinator: Álvaro Lorencini Júnior
This research group aims to investigate the theoretical and methodological references that
meet the objectives and research questions from the perspective of reflective, investigative
and critical practice of initial and continuing education for science teachers; research the
trends of interactive processes and their implications for the elaboration of meanings in the
classroom; to investigate the perspectives of teaching processes for the learning of
scientific concepts and trends in educational processes for the construction of values within
the scope of environmental education and education for sexuality.
Coordinator: Mariana A. Bologna Soares de Andrade
This research group aims to investigate questions about the teaching and epistemology of science. Research is guided by the theoretical frameworks of the epistemology of science, nature of science and science teaching. In this perspective, the researchers in the group investigate the teaching and learning processes of science. The group’s studies have two thematic lines: general knowledge in science education and biological knowledge, in particular, biological evolution in science education.
Coordinator: Irinéa de Lourdes Batista
The research team brings together the areas of Natural Sciences: Biosciences, Chemistry and Physics, and Mathematics, and its investigative basis lies in historical, philosophical and sociological issues in scientific theorizing, from the understanding of the concept of scientific theory and in the discussion of construction and progress of scientific theories. From this base, these areas are articulated in an epistemic-methodological interdisciplinary way for research in teaching knowledge and learning in Scientific and Technological Education. The current thematic focus on teachers’ knowledge in initial and in-service education; Didactics of Sciences and investigation of developments of didactical approaches (Research-Based Practices); diversity, equity, and inclusivity in science education, in particular, for the protagonist participation of women in science (gender bias, social and environmental influences, barriers, and obstacles to women’s participation).
Science Education Resarch Group
Coordinator: Carlos Eduardo Laburú
Investigation of theoretical elements in the field of semiotics studies that help to understand the nature, causes and effects of students’ difficulties in making sense of scientific symbolic representations and how to overcome them. Concomitantly, it also investigates teaching and learning problems related to representational multimodality, as well as experimental activities in science teaching, the relationship between theory and evidence, the question of measurement, the formulation of hypotheses, among other related topics.
Science Teaching and Educational Technology
Coordinator: Aguinaldo Robinson de Souza
Abstract: We are involved in studies on the use of computers as a tool for teaching and learning Science and Mathematics. Within theoretical frameworks in the field of Educational Technology, we aim to plan and research curricula, programs and activities that involve the use of information technology in teaching. Among the activities under development in the group are: development of computer-based learning objects, development of simulation software in the areas of Science and Mathematics and design of multimedia material for the internet. Use and evaluation of apps, software and simulators for teaching Science in real classroom situations. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality applied to Science teaching.
Coordinator: Lourdes Maria Werle de Almeida
The group’s study and research theme consists of Mathematical Modeling in Mathematics Education. In recent decades, research involving this thematic has grown considering both theoretical constructions and the development of empirical studies. The study group also encompasses these two fronts. Regarding theoretical aspects, on the one hand, the researches are directed to elements internal to mathematical modeling, such as, for example, the particularities of stages such as mathematization and validation, the authenticity of modeling activities as well as the competencies of students when developing this kind of activities. On the other hand, the interlocution of modeling with theories such as philosophy of language and semiotics is also investigated. Thus, the construction of an interface between semiotic and mathematical modeling as well as a look at mathematical modeling in the light of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s thought are the interests of the group’s participants. Regarding the empirical work, mathematical modeling activities are developed by the group participants as well as the development of modeling activities by the participants in their classrooms.