This project aims to carry out insertion actions of teachers and students (especially scholarship students) of the Postgraduate Program in Psychology (PPGPSI) in different social contexts by building bridges between the knowledge derived from the research produced in the Program and society. Based on this premise, we seek to establish partnerships – especially in the scope of public policies (such as education, health, and social assistance), with the objective of promoting, on the one hand, processes of training and construction of social technologies for professionals who work directly with the target audience of such policies, and, on the other hand, to meet, based on these articulations, specific demands from the communities assisted, thus configuring two axes of action. In parallel to receiving demands forwarded by the community outreach services, the project also foresees, together with students and professors of the Program, the construction of action strategies within the two axes foreseen, this being a considered crossing, for example, in the construction of course programs and other institutional extension activities foreseen (such as open classes, technical meetings, and scientific events organized by the Program). Finally, it is proposed that such activities are also a starting point for the knowledge production, in order to be configured not only as an application of what has already been researched, but also as a possibility of provocation for the realization of other research proposals. It is worth mentioning that this project is one of the activities of the work related to two research groups registered at CNPq: “Psychological Assessment and Clinical Processes” and the Research Group “Diagnosis of the Contemporary:Subjectivity, resistance and creation”, linked respectively to the departments of Psychology and Psychoanalysis (PPSIC) and Social and Institutional Psychology (PSI) of the State University of Londrina.