The Graduate Program in Psychology at UEL aims to train qualified teachers and researchers, with a critical and humanistic view of the Human Sciences reality, able to act in Higher Education and Research Institutions, in the different fields of direct action of Psychology. For that reason, the profile of the professional to be graduated includes the following qualifications:

  • Technical preparation, pedagogical resourcefulness, and didactic ability to work in higher education in colleges or universities, whether they are located in public or private institutions;
  • Critical attitude to act as a teacher and researcher in undergraduate courses in Psychology or in higher education courses in related areas;
  • Ability to act in the three areas of higher education practice: teaching, research, and extension;
  • Consolidation of epistemological, conceptual, and methodological basis to coordinate research projects;
  • Conceptual and methodological knowledge to guide undergraduate and graduate research in Psychology and related areas;
  • Broad ethical and political preparation to receive and take a position in front of the research object being investigated;
  • Ability to carry out research on psychological assessments, clinical processes, and social processes in different contexts.