To complete the Masters and Doctorate levels, the student must complete the workload and credits distributed as follows:
For the Master, the student must complete 64 (sixty-four) credits corresponding to 960 (nine hundred and sixty) hours, distributed as follows:
• 07 (seven) credits in common core subjects;
• at least 13 (thirteen) credits in optional subjects of the Program, the remaining 4 (four) credits being able to be fulfilled in other Programs with national validity;
• 40 (forty) dissertation credits
For the Doctorate, the student must complete 160 (one hundred and sixty) credits, corresponding to 2,400 (two thousand and four hundred) hours, distributed as follows:
• 06 (six) credits in common core subjects.
• at least 30 (thirty) credits in subjects in the Program’s concentration area, and the remaining 4 (four) credits may be fulfilled in other Postgraduate Programs with national validity;
• 120 (one hundred and twenty) credits in Thesis.
For the Doctorate, Master’s credits may be validated.
The CAPES/MEC Foundation grantee students must also complete 2 (two) for the Master’s Degree, and 4 (four) credits for the Doctorate in the subject of Teaching Internship at Undergraduate.