The program

The Postgraduate Program in Animal Health Science, at the Master’s and Doctoral degrees, has as its general aim the qualification of human resources in the area of ​​Agricultural Sciences, in particular for the development of research in Animal Health and Production. The Program has as specific aims the qualification and training of professionals for scientific and technical investigation in two areas of concentration:

1. Animal Health:

In this area, the following topics are mainly addressed:

i) Animal health prevention; ii) Diagnosis, treatment, control, and prophylaxis of infectious, parasitic, deficient, and metabolic diseases of importance in Veterinary Medicine; iii) Antigenic and molecular evaluation of microorganisms of interest in Animal Health; iv) Veterinary Public Health, through the study of zoonoses and the control of microbiological quality and residues in the food production chain of animal origin; v) Clinic and Veterinary Surgery, through the development and/or improvement of clinical treatment and surgical, anesthetic, and diagnostic techniques.

2. Animal Production:

In this area, the following topics are mainly addressed:

i) Zootechnical management; ii) Animal nutrition; iii) Food and feed iv) Animal welfare; and v) Reproduction biotechniques applied to the main animal species of economic interest.

The purpose of the Program is to offer the labor market qualified professionals to work in public and private institutions of education, research, and development, and the fields of animal health protection, veterinary public health, animal production, and reproduction. For this, the graduate student, through a curriculum, practical work carried out in laboratories and the field, and extra-curricular activities will have the opportunity to exercise the critical point of view.

Contact , telefone +55 43 3371-4709 (secretary)

Coordinator: Prof. Selwyn Arlington Headley, email:, +55 43 3371-4766