Brief History

The Graduate Program in Chemistry of the Universidade Estadual de Londrina started in 2000 as an Academic Master’s Course in Chemistry of Natural Resources with the recommendation of Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel/Ministry of Education (CAPES/MEC), concept 3. At first, the Analysis of New Course Proposals (APCN) was based on the opening of the course in an applied area, following the prerogative of CAPES. Furthermore, the proposal linked the lines of research under development at DQUI-UEL, to meet CAPES guidelines regarding the opening of a Stricto Sensu Program, as well as the regional needs. Therefore, the areas of natural products, environment and food gave rise to the proposal for a master’s degree in Chemistry of Natural Resources, which was approved with concept 3, maintained for two triennium evaluation periods.

From 2008, a proposal for curricular restructuring and changing the course to a master’s degree in Chemistry was presented, which approval is established in Resolution CEPE n. 157/2008 of October 23, 2008 and Chamber of Graduate Studies n. 28/2008. The Master’s Program in Chemistry has become more embracing, strengthening the basic training of graduate students, expanding the lines of research and aiming at increasing bibliographic production. In the evaluation period of 2008-2010, with the master’s degree in Chemistry already ongoing, the concept rose to 4. In 2013, the course was once again restructured, with the aim of modifying the curricular structure and adopting teaching qualification criteria, in order to optimize the time spent on subjects by students, as well as stimulating scientific productivity considering teachers and students of the program, prioritizing magazines from the Qualis-CAPES A and B strata. These actions aimed to improve the performance of the program and, therefore, the quadrennium evaluation. In 2008, CAPES also approved the operation of the Doctorate in Chemistry in the Broad Association UEL/UEPG/UNICENTRO, with an innovative proposal. Then, the teaching staff expanded, and the lines of research became more dedicated to Chemistry.

In 2016, other APCN was submitted to a new Doctorate in Chemistry to be developed only at UEL, because of the positive evolution of the three institutions in the past years. There was then a positive response from CAPES to start the activities of the Doctorate Program, which had the first class joining on 08/14/2017. With the students entrance in the Doctorate course working together with students of the Master’s course, there was greater integration between the groups and, consequently, the expansion of productivity and technical quality of the Graduate Program in Chemistry at UEL – Master and Doctorate (PMDQUI-UEL).