Laboratório de Neuroendocrinologia

(43) 3371-5928

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Linha de Pesquisa

Controle neuroendócrino da homeostase energética.


No Laboratório de Neuroendocrinologia estudamos a participação dos glicocorticoides, esteroides ovarianos e outros hormônios nas alterações metabólicas observadas em diferentes modelos de obesidade. Para tanto, são utilizados modelos experimentais que induzem a obesidade, tais como a ovariectomia e hiperlactação, e avaliados diversos parâmetros metabólicos, tanto periféricos quanto no sistema nervoso central.

Principais trabalhos

LEITE, C.M.; KALIL, B.; UCHOA, E.T.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.; ELIAS, L.K.; LEVINE, J.E.; ANSELMO-FRANCI, J.A. Progesterone-induced amplification and advancement of GnRH/LH surges are associated with changes in kisspeptin system in preoptic area of estradiol-primed female rats. Brain Res.  v. 1650, p. 30574-30581, 2016.

UCHOA, E.T.; RORATO, R.; RUGINSK, S.G.; BORGES, B. C.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.; ELIAS, L.L.K. Corticotrophin-releasing factor receptor 2 mediates the enhanced activation of satiety-related responses through oxytocin neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus after adrenalectomy. Neurosci Lett. v. 606, p. 123-128, 2015.

BORGES B. C.; RORATO, R.; UCHOA, E.T.; MARANGON, P.; DA SILVA, G.S.; DE PAULA, F.J.; BRANCO, L.G.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.;  ELIAS, L.L.K. High-fat diet induces site-specific unresponsiveness to LPS-stimulated STAT3 activation in the hypothalamus. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. v. 306, p. R34-R44.

UCHOA, E.T.; ZAHM, D.S.; BORGES, B.C.; RORATO, R.C.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.; ELIAS, L.L.K. Oxytocin projections to the nucleus of the solitary tract contribute to the increased meal-related satiety responses in primary adrenal insufficiency. Exp Physiol. v. 98, p. 1495-1504, 2013.

UCHOA, E.T.; SILVA, L.E.C.M.; CASTRO, M.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.; ELIAS, L.L.K. Glucocorticoids are required for meal-induced changes in the expression of hypothalamic neuropeptides. Neuropeptides. v. 46, p. 119-124, 2012.

UCHOA, E.T.; SILVA, L.E.C.M.; CASTRO, M.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.; ELIAS, L.L.K. Corticotrophin-releasing factor mediates the hypophagia after adrenalectomy, increasing meal-related satiety responses. Hormones and Behavior. v. 58, p. 714-719, 2010.

UCHOA, E.T.; SILVA, L.E.C.M.; CASTRO, M.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.; ELIAS, L.L.K. Hypothalamic oxytocin neurons modulate hypophagic effect induced by adrenalectomy. Hormones and Behavior, v. 56, p. 532-538, 2009.

UCHOA, E.T., SABINO, H.A., RUGINSK, S.G., ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J., ELIAS, L.L. Hypophagia induced by glucocorticoid deficiency is associated with an increased activation of satiety-related responses. J. Appl. Physiol., v. 106, p. 596-604, 2009.