Laboratório de Neuroendocrinologia

(43) 3371-5928

Currículo Lattes:

Linha de Pesquisa

Controle neuroendócrino da homeostase energética.


No Laboratório de Neuroendocrinologia estudamos a participação dos glicocorticoides, esteroides ovarianos e outros hormônios nas alterações metabólicas observadas em diferentes modelos de obesidade. Para tanto, são utilizados modelos experimentais que induzem a obesidade, tais como a ovariectomia e hiperlactação, e avaliados diversos parâmetros metabólicos, tanto periféricos quanto no sistema nervoso central.

Research description: In the Neuroendocrinology Laboratory, we study the role of glucocorticoids, ovarian steroids, and other hormones in the metabolic changes observed in different obesity models. To this end, experimental models that induce obesity, such as ovariectomy and hyperlactation, are used, and various metabolic parameters, both peripheral and within the central nervous system, are assessed.

Principais trabalhos

LEITE, C.M.; KALIL, B.; UCHOA, E.T.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.; ELIAS, L.K.; LEVINE, J.E.; ANSELMO-FRANCI, J.A. Progesterone-induced amplification and advancement of GnRH/LH surges are associated with changes in kisspeptin system in preoptic area of estradiol-primed female rats. Brain Res.  v. 1650, p. 30574-30581, 2016.

UCHOA, E.T.; RORATO, R.; RUGINSK, S.G.; BORGES, B. C.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.; ELIAS, L.L.K. Corticotrophin-releasing factor receptor 2 mediates the enhanced activation of satiety-related responses through oxytocin neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus after adrenalectomy. Neurosci Lett. v. 606, p. 123-128, 2015.

BORGES B. C.; RORATO, R.; UCHOA, E.T.; MARANGON, P.; DA SILVA, G.S.; DE PAULA, F.J.; BRANCO, L.G.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.;  ELIAS, L.L.K. High-fat diet induces site-specific unresponsiveness to LPS-stimulated STAT3 activation in the hypothalamus. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. v. 306, p. R34-R44.

UCHOA, E.T.; ZAHM, D.S.; BORGES, B.C.; RORATO, R.C.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.; ELIAS, L.L.K. Oxytocin projections to the nucleus of the solitary tract contribute to the increased meal-related satiety responses in primary adrenal insufficiency. Exp Physiol. v. 98, p. 1495-1504, 2013.

UCHOA, E.T.; SILVA, L.E.C.M.; CASTRO, M.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.; ELIAS, L.L.K. Glucocorticoids are required for meal-induced changes in the expression of hypothalamic neuropeptides. Neuropeptides. v. 46, p. 119-124, 2012.

UCHOA, E.T.; SILVA, L.E.C.M.; CASTRO, M.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.; ELIAS, L.L.K. Corticotrophin-releasing factor mediates the hypophagia after adrenalectomy, increasing meal-related satiety responses. Hormones and Behavior. v. 58, p. 714-719, 2010.

UCHOA, E.T.; SILVA, L.E.C.M.; CASTRO, M.; ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J.; ELIAS, L.L.K. Hypothalamic oxytocin neurons modulate hypophagic effect induced by adrenalectomy. Hormones and Behavior, v. 56, p. 532-538, 2009.

UCHOA, E.T., SABINO, H.A., RUGINSK, S.G., ANTUNES-RODRIGUES, J., ELIAS, L.L. Hypophagia induced by glucocorticoid deficiency is associated with an increased activation of satiety-related responses. J. Appl. Physiol., v. 106, p. 596-604, 2009.