

The Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering at UEL (academic master’s degree) was created in 2002, when the area of Electrical Engineering was under a process of consolidation in the region of Londrina and the closest graduate programs in Electrical Engineering were in Curitiba. Aware of this problem and seeking to meet the demands of professionals who worked on companies in the region and who were looking for better qualification, the master’s program was created at the end of 2001 and the first class started in March 2002.

The program’s subject area is Electronic Systems and it covers only one research theme, namely, Modeling, Simulation, and Implementation of Systems. Research in this theme investigates and develops descriptive models for numerous kinds of systems and engineering problems, including:

• use of statistical signal processing applied to systems of telecommunications (wired and wireless systems, optical networks, telemetry, etc.).

• application of signals and control systems in the areas of physical therapy, physical education, and rehabilitation science.

• Electronic applications in high-productivity agriculture.

• Aspects of Computer Vision.

• optimization problems found in various branches of electrical engineering, including:

– design and optimization of electrical energy systems;

– energy-efficient and multiple-access systems of telecommunications;

– models of and new transmission, reception, and detection/decoding techniques in efficient communication systems;

A strong characteristic of the research theme in Modeling, Simulation, and Implementation of Systems is the interdisciplinarity, which is supported by the fields of expertise of the professors of the program, their research projects, and the courses offered to graduate students. The fields of expertise are: a) Control and Automation, b) Electronic Instrumentation, c) Systems Simulation, and d) Telecommunications and Applied Signal Processing.

In the context of Telecommunications and Applied Signal Processing, the focus has been on analytical-mathematical modeling, DSP simulation and prototyping of advanced communication systems and subsystems (future generations), mainly of fourth and fifth generation wireless communications (4G and 5G). The contribution has been in the prediction of performance, implementation complexity, and in the proposal of new efficient topologies – energetically and spectrally – of (sub) communication systems, using analytical and heuristic optimization methodologies and techniques. In this area, research has also been carried out with an emphasis on machine learning.

In the context of electronic instrumentation, there are ongoing successful projects on the aerospace field, more specifically on instrumentation for inertial sensors and attitude control. Due to its various applications in the aerospace, biomedical and security areas, another objective of the research has been to transfer the technology under development to the productive sector, to the training of specialized professionals in the area of attitude control and inertial instrumentation. Another instrumentation research group has developed data acquisition systems in remote locations and with wireless data transmission. This involves the design and development of new sensors, the programming of embedded systems, the transmission of data over long distances, the development of software for human-machine interface, etc. In particular, sensors and data acquisition systems developed for use in precision agriculture stand out. Additionally, data acquisition systems have already been developed for monitoring incident winds in power transmission line towers, wind vibrations in transmission line conductors, and energy quality in industrial environments. Projects with applications in areas such as veterinary medicine, biological sciences, and chemistry have also been carried out by the instrumentation research group.

In the context of control, mathematical algorithms, studies, simulations, and development with practical implementations (e.g., wheelchair applications) have been developed in recent years. While in the context of power electronics, the members of the group have been developing studies and implementations of cc-cc, cc-ca converters beyond their control.


a)       train researchers and professors for higher education in the field of Electrical Engineering and meet the demands for high-level professionals to work both in the private sector and in research and in institutions of technological development.

b)      contribute to research and technological development in the northern region of Paraná and neighbouring states, in the areas of research of its professors.

c)       make the city of Londrina a regional centre for research, technological development, and qualification of professionals in Electrical Engineering.

d)      encourage the training of the future researchers and scientists in the area, by working in collaboration with undergraduate students of Electrical Engineering and related courses, mainly Computer Science, Physics, and Applied Mathematics.

Mission of the program / Learning Outcomes

To train professionals with technical-scientific skills, who demonstrate expertise on the fundamentals of both Engineering and technologies, aiming to develop solutions to problems in the technological areas associated with Electronic Systems. The alumni of the course must be able to demonstrate skills, specific competences, and intellectual independence in the development of scientific, technological and innovation research. They must be prepared for the generation, multiplication, dissemination, and use of technical-scientific knowledge in the development of scientific and technological research and in the development and (re)production of the technological cycle associated with innovation. During the course, the master’s student, in addition to scientific training activities and improvement of their teaching skills, must participate in graduate teaching internship activities and also in university extension activities with society, as well as contribute indirectly to the training of students in scientific initiation and technological development.

Further Important Information

The PPG-EE-Master’s is structured upon a comprehensive training proposal in the field of Electrical Engineering, offering a diversified range of courses and research projects of applied and innovative nature, in accordance with the research theme and subject area.

Students must complete 64 credits in courses, which corresponds to 360 hours, distributed as follows: 40 credits in thesis, being one subject per semester, 03 credits in core courses, 21 credits in elective courses:

A) Core Courses:

2ELE 048  – Seminar, 1 credit (15 h).

2ELE 051  – Research Methods, Procedures and Techniques, 2 credits (30 h).

B)   Elective Courses:

2ELE 105  –  Stochastic Process Applied to Electrical Engineering, 3 credits (45 h).

2ELE 106  – Linear Systems and Matrices, 3 credits (45 h).

2ELE 107  – Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 3 credits (45 h).

2ELE 108  – Fundamentals of Analysis and Design of Control Systems, 3 credits (45 h).

2ELE 109  – Power Electronics, 3 credits (45 h).

2ELE 110  – Electronic Instrumentation, 6 credits (90 h).

2ELE 111  – Advanced Control, 6 credits (90 h).

2ELE 112 – Techniques, Methods, and Analysis of Telecommunication Systems, 6 credits (90 h).

B.1) Special Topics (ST):

2ELE 058 – ST in Power Electronics, 6 credits (90 h).

2ELE 065 – ST in Applications of Nonlinear Optimization, 3 credits (45 h).

2ELE 066 – ST in Nonlinear Optimization, 3 credits (45 h).

2ELE 067 – ST in Electrical Systems, 3 credits (45 h).

2ELE 068 – ST in Electronic Circuits for Instrumentation, 3 credits (45 h).

2ELE 069 – ST in Embedded Electronic Systems, 3 credits (45 h).

2ELE 070 – ST in Linear Matrix Inequalities in System Control, 3 credits (45 h).

2ELE 071 – ST in Theory, simulation, and implementation of Optimal State Estimation, 2 credits (30 h).

2ELE 072 – ST in Biorobotics, 3 credits (45 h).

C) Thesis:

2ELE 100 – Thesis I, 10 credits (150 h).

2ELE 101 – Thesis II, 10 credits (150 h).

2ELE 102 – Thesis III, 10 credits (150 h).

2ELE 103 – Thesis IV, 10 credits (150 h).

D) Graduate Teaching Internship

2ELE 031 – Graduate Teaching Internship, 2 credits (30 h).

Candidates must present a certificate of English proficiency, issued by an institution specialised in teaching and evaluating English language, up to 12 months after their enrolment as a regular student. The list with the exams as well as the minimum required score can be found on the program’s website.

At the beginning of the second year, students undergo a Qualifying Examination. Students must present their project proposal to an examination board, formed by internal and external professors. Only if approved in this exam, the student will be able to continue their research. Furthermore, the examination board may indicate the need for an adaptation or even the changing of the student’s topic of study.

By the end of the second year – and if they have at least one paper accepted for publication in a national congress/symposium and one paper submitted for publication to a journal in the area of the work under development – the student will undergo a viva examination of their master’s thesis. The examination board is formed by internal and external members. If they are approved, they will have completed the master’s course.


In terms of infrastructure available to both graduate and undergraduate students, many laboratories are part of the Department of Electrical Engineering at UEL, and they are:

Undergraduate Laboratories:

A) Laboratory of Digital Systems

B) Laboratory of Electronics

C) Electrotechnical Laboratory

D) Laboratory of Circuit Simulation and Design

E) Laboratory of Telecommunications

F) Laboratory of Signal Processing

G) Automation Laboratory

H) Undergraduate Computer Laboratory (LIG)

Graduate laboratories:

I) Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory

J) Laboratory of Power Electronics

K) Scientific Computing Laboratory

L) Laboratory of Telecommunication Systems

M) Laboratory of Automation and Control

N) Laboratory of Power Electrical Systems

O) Laboratory of Automation and Intelligent Instrumentation (LA2I)

Capes recommended program – Grade 4