The PPGEO/UEL Self-Assessment process is governed by internal regulations, prepared and executed by a specific commission and composed of members of the Coordinating Commission, faculty, active researchers, graduates and an ad-hoc external evaluator.
The definition of the strategy takes place within the political and pedagogical scope of the PPGEO-UEL, it refers to the Program’s identity construction, while the tactics can be more directly adjusted in accordance with the results of the external evaluations and self-evaluation and their periodicity. However, the self-assessment process, considering the formative and collective aspect of the process, at certain times and observing the need for systematization and the scheduled periodicity for the preparation of Internal and External Assessment Reports, will contribute to reformulations, adaptations and corrections of the direction of the strategic planning of the PPGEO-UEL.
The PPGEO-UEL has achieved important goals in training researchers and personnel for higher education and basic education, technicians to work in the specific fields of Geography, production of scientific knowledge and relationship with society through the dissemination of academic productions, agreements and extension actions, among others. The metrics that corroborate these statements are documented in the external evaluation processes, routinely carried out by Postgraduate bodies in Brazil and in national and foreign rankings that analyze the performance of Higher Education Institutions.
The need for simple and objective instruments was identified, so that the systematization of data meets the requirements of communication and return to the academic and external community of clarity, objectivity and intentionality in terms of the application of guidelines generated by these diagnoses.

Principles and methods for self-assessment

The definition of methods is subordinated to the principles listed for the self-assessment of the PPGEO. The following principles are;

  • Systematization of the self-reflective process to provide cumulative learning about the management process and the elaboration of actions to overcome difficulties and limitations identified by the collective;
  • Periodicity in order to make concrete and expected stages of collection, systematization and dissemination of institutional data, as well as indicating the permanent nature of individual self-assessment processes;
  • Respect for individuality, privacy, preventing moral punishment or threats to the integrity of the subjects participating in the processes;
  • Transparency in the collection, systematization and dissemination of information;
  • Help the individual and collective decision-making process in each segment of the academic community directly linked to postgraduate studies.


The following instruments for self-assessment are provided:

  • Semiannual planning of student activities and semiannual activity evaluation report;
  • Annual planning of teaching activities and annual activity evaluation report with observations on: teaching activities, research, guidance and others;
  • Questionnaires for data collection directly with professors and students and respective evaluation reports;
  • General planning of the program and evaluation report of institutional actions in the areas of management and improvement, steps related to medium and long-term objectives, verification of the fulfillment of short-term goals and objectives in global terms of the program (this instrument should be subdivided into physical structure, resources, scientific production, number of students and professors, among other aspects);
  • Biennial seminar on self-assessment and dissemination of results coordinated by the commission for self-assessment and digital dissemination of the general report.

