The Post-Graduate Program in Geography at the State University of Londrina (PPGEO/UEL) began its activities in 2001, with an interdisciplinary theoretical-methodological proposal, supported by completed and ongoing research that professors from the Department of Geosciences and other departments at the State University of Londrina have developed and have been developing linked to teaching, research and extension.

Being restructured since 2008, the PPGEO/UEL has been undergoing changes and currently has two areas of concentration: Socio-spatial Dynamics and Geo-environmental Dynamics, inserted at the origin of academic reflections and ongoing research practice in the Department of Geosciences of this University, through the development of projects, with the participation of teachers, students and community members, both local and regional.

In 2012, one of the main milestones of these restructurings occurred, when CAPES approved the doctoral level, and the Program began to receive new research demands. In addition to the tradition of studies focusing on the northern region of Paraná, the perspectives and effectiveness of research on the national and international scene have been expanded, also providing the opportunity to deepen research for graduates of the Master’s course, for now, in the scope of Doctorate. In this way, a strong incentive was built for the internationalization of research themes, as well as the expansion of the regional scenario to the state and national scales.

Currently, new perspectives have expanded the specialties in the development of PPGEO-UEL research. These expansions include the realization of Sandwich Doctorates and exchanges with Brazilian universities and also in other countries such as Argentina, Spain, Portugal and Canada. This process of internationalization of the program has significantly fostered the development of theses, dissertations and high-level debates, which seek, above all, to contribute to society on different scales, through geographic knowledge and its applicability.

Revista GEOGRAFIA (Londrina) is a publication of the Department of Geosciences since 1983, and it is linked to the PostGraduate Program in Geography at the State University of Londrina (PPGEO/UEL) since 2010. Its objective is to disseminate unpublished scientific works (articles, pedagogical workshops, reviews and scientific notes) in areas of interest to geographic science. Articles in Portuguese, Spanish and English are accepted. Receiving in continuous flow.

GEOGRAPHY Journal (Londrina)

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