Dra. Adriana Castreghini de Freitas Pereira, PhD
Area of expertise: Thematic Cartography, Remote Sensing, Geotechnologies and Geoprocessing (GIS) applied to Geographic Science, Urban Planning and Geography Teaching.
Lab: Images, Landscapes and Characters Laboratory (IMAP&P)
E-mail: adrianacfp@uel.br
Dr. André Celligoi, PhD
Area of expertise: Hydrogeology, Groundwater, Hydrogeology, Serra Geral Aquifer, Groundwater Aquifer and Hydrogeochemistry.
Lab: Geology and Pedology Laboratory (LAGEP)
E-mail: celligoi@uel.br
Dr. Edilson Luis de Oliveira, PhD
Area of expertise: Economic Geography, Urban Economics and Regional Geography.
Lab: Country-City Territorial Analysis Laboratory (LATEC)
E-mail: edilson@uel.br
Dra. Eloiza Cristiane Torres, PhD
Coordinator of the Specialization in Geography Teaching/UEL
Area of expertise: Environmental Education, Special Education and Geography Teaching.
Lab: Geography Teaching Laboratory and Public Management Research Laboratory (LABGEP/NIGEP)
E-mail: elotorres@uel.br
Dra. Ideni Terezinha Antonello, PhD
Deputy coordinator of PPGEO/UEL
Area of expertise: Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Space and the New Urban-Rural Arrangements, Geographical Thought and Geography Teaching.
Lab: Country-City Territorial Analysis Laboratory (LATEC)
E-mail: antonello@uel.br
Dra. Jamille da Silva Lima-Payayá, PhD
Area of expertise: Geography and (de)coloniality, Indigenous peoples, Geography and Phenomenology, Epistemology of Geography, Culture and Rurality.
Lab: Geographical Knowledge and Alterity Laboratory (SABGEO)
E-mail: jaslima@uneb.br
Dra. Jeani Delgado Paschoal Moura, PhD
PPGEO/UEL Coordinator
Area of expertise: Epistemology of Geography, Phenomenological Humanist Geography, Geography of Risks and Environmental Education, Art, Geopoetics and Humanist Education, Geography Teaching and Teacher Training.
Lab: Geography Teaching Laboratory and Geography Tutorial Education Program (UEL)
E-mail: jeanimoura@uel.br
Dr. José Paulo Peccinini Pinese, PhD
Area of expertise: Health Geography, Environmental Geochemistry, Medical Geology, Geomorphology, Geoecology, Hydrogeography, Water and Collective Health.
Lab: Geology and Pedology Laboratory (LAGEP)
E-mail: pinese@uel.br
Dra. Léia Aparecida Veiga, PhD
Area of expertise: Urban Geography, Regional Geography and Urban and Regional Planning.
Lab: Rural-City Territorial Analysis Laboratory (LATEC) and Energy and Sustainable Development Laboratory (LEDS)
E-mail: leia.veiga@uel.br
Dr. Luciano Nardini Gomes, PhD
Area of expertise: Soil Conservation, Digital Cartography, Georeferencing and Aerial Surveys with Drones.
E-mail: lunago@uel.br
Dr. Marciel Lohmann, PhD
Area of expertise: Physical Geography; Environmental analysis; Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing.
Lab: Postgraduate Laboratory (LAP 1 and 2)
E-mail: marciel@uel.br
Dr. Mauricio Moreira dos Santos, PhD
Area of expertise: Environmental Analysis, Hydrogeography, Handling and Management of Water Resources and Geotechnologies.
E-mail: mmsantos@utfpr.edu.br
Dra. Patrícia Fernandes Paula-Shinobu, PhD
Coordinator of the Pedagogical Residency in Geography/UEL
Area of expertise: Biogeography, Physical Geography and Geography Teaching.
Lab: Geography Teaching Laboratory
E-mail: pfpaula@uel.br
Dr. Pedro Rodolfo Siqueira Vendrame, PhD
Area of expertise: Genesis; Soil Morphology and Mineralogy and Vis-NIR Spectrometry.
Lab: Geology and Pedology Laboratory (LAGEP)
E-mail: vendrame@uel.br
Dr. Sergio Aparecido Nabarro, PhD
Area of expertise: Agrarian Geography, History of Geographical Thought, Theory and Method in Geography.
Laboratório: Agricultural Geography Laboratory (LABGEA)
E-mail: sergionabarro@uel.br